On this page:
- 11 Reasons why over 3,800 landlords rely on the team at EVES
- How We Put The Right People in Your Property
- Want Us To Manage Your Rental Property For You?
11 Reasons why over 3,800 landlords rely on the team at EVES
1. We Treat Your Property As Our Own
Each member of our team of property managers carries his or her own portfolio of rental properties and is responsible for the day to day management of those properties covering tenant selection, rental collection, regular inspections, organising maintenance, and ‘trouble shooting’ where necessary.
The property managers have administration support in every office along with mentoring and backup from Eves Rentals long term Property Division Manager, Joanna Hart.
2. We Act For Landlords At A National Level
The invitation to Eves Rentals to be a member of the Department of Building and Housing National Customer Forum reinforces the standing Eves Rentals has as leaders in their profession.
“This gives Eves an opportunity to have input on national initiatives, be the first to know of new legislation and allows us to be advocates for positive change, all of which benefits our landlords” says Joanna Hart.
It’s About Protecting:
Your Property,
Your Investment,
Your Asset,
Your Income
Being a landlord may seem easy. Simply find a tenant, install them and watch the rent build up in your account. Property Managers know otherwise. Landlords often discover that while they may enjoy owning a rental property they find the day to day management more time consuming and stressful than they imagined.
3. We Have Extensive Market Knowledge
Because we have extensive experience in the market we are able to advise on the optimum rental for your property size and location, setting a rental rate which both gives the best return on your investment and minimises vacancies.
If you are considering purchasing a rental property our Eves Property Managers can advise on the best areas to buy in and types of property most in demand in the current market.
4. We Know How To Attract Tenants
Your property will be photographed, after we have given any necessary advice on presentation for the rental market, and advertised on the internet, in the local newspaper, and on daily office lists and window displays.
Our website evesrentals.co.nz is proving an increasingly valuable source of tenants so we ensure it is easy to use and regularly updated.
5. Our Tenant Selection Process Ensures High-Calibre Tenants
The vital element, often time consuming and difficult, with potential pitfalls, tenant selection can be much more effective when performed by a professional third party rather than by the property owner. Eves Rentals tenant selection process includes safeguards, reference checks and credit references if required.
All tenants must meet Eves Rentals criteria, established over years in the business. to be eligible for a rental property.
Once a suitable tenant is selected:
- Tenancy agreements are prepared and signed; these include bond collection and lodgement.
- A Conditionary Report is signed -listing special conditions under which the particular property is tenanted, many standard to EVES Rentals but it may include conditions imposed by the landlord, or by the particular nature of the property.
- A chattels/ furniture list is completed for reference for future inspections and dealing with any bond issues.
6. Our Robust Rent Collection Process Ensures Payment
Knowing your rent will be paid on time is vital to the profitable management of your property and your peace of mind. Handing over this responsibility to Eves Rentals eliminates the landlord’s greatest concern. Rent payments are monitored on a daily basis, any non-payment immediately identified and followed up. Tenants know we are ‘on their case’. Rent is disbursed into landlords’ accounts by direct credit either bi-monthly or at the end of each month and a statement emailed to the landlord, with copies of any accounts posted.
Your statement will show:
- Rent received
- Any payments made or collected on your behalf e.g. water rates
- Any maintenance carried out on your behalf
- Eves Rentals commission plus GST
- The balance as direct credited to your account.
This statement provides an efficient record for entry into your own spreadsheet, or records; and/or to file for tax purposes.
7. Our Audited Trust Account Protects Your Income
Eves Rentals operates under the government regulator REAA (Real Estate Agents Authority)
Eves Rentals’ license under the REAA provides landlords with the security of knowing that all financial dealings are independently audited. This may not be true of operators who work outside the government regulated body.
8. We Represent You In Tenancy Tribunal Hearings
Our system is so good, Tenancy Tribunal Hearings are rare. Should they be unavoidable, and an issue with your tenancy require a tenancy tribunal hearing, Eves Rentals represent you at all hearings and keeps you informed of progress and outcomes.
Eves Rentals is very experienced in the tenancy tribunal process, their knowledge of the legal rights of both landlord and tenant reducing the likelihood of tribunal hearings, but ensuring when necessary the tribunal ‘weight’ is quickly brought to bear and in your best interests. Their direct line to Tenancy Practice Service for tenancy consulting is valuable backup.
9. We Undertake Regular Property Inspections
Your property will be inspected three to six times per year and you will be supplied with a report which notes any work required or highlights future maintenance issues.
If your property is not kept to the required standard, the tenant is advised then followed up and the property is re-inspected until your property manager is satisfied.
10. We Keep On Top Of Maintenance and Repairs
The responsibilities of both owner and tenant are stated clearly in our tenancy agreements.
‘Who does what’ is defined and understood by both – from simple stuff like a light bulb or tap washer replacement to responsibility for gas, electricity and telephone charges and water rates.
You can agree that Eves Rentals handle any repairs and maintenance to a set amount or that we advise you and let you decide whether we or you arrange them. Eves Rentals use qualified independent contractors at specially negotiated rates, and if required can get quotes verified with the owner before proceeding. Payment of accounts for repairs and maintenance, plus commission for organizing such (at the same rate as your management income commission) is debited from rents collected and will appear on your statement.
Eves Rentals can also, by arrangement, pay other costs, including rates, insurance and loan repayments.
11. We Work 24/7 To Resolve Urgent Issues
While we officially work normal office hours we are available 24/7 in the event that an issue needs to be addressed urgently outside office hours. Weekend work is often necessary for tenant selection. While each property manager works independently on their own ‘business’ the team culture ensures collaboration and covering for each other during time off and holidays.
How We Put The Right People in Your Property
The frustrations involved in selecting the right tenant, troubles with tenants, and lack of confidence in negotiating the legalities around tenant management add up to the main reason landlords employ property managers.
We are good at this process and with us managing your investment, you are free to focus on things you enjoy more while we ensure your rental income stream.
How We Find The Best Tenants
We spread the net wide and rapidly to find tenants and reduce or omit any time or rent loss between tenancies. Our systems for tenant location include:
- EVES Rentals own website advertising – eves.co.nz is one of the highest profile websites using a Google search
- Trademe.co.nz is not only New Zealand’s most popular online auction website but fast becoming a major player in real estate and rentals advertising
- Realestate.co.nz – where 90% of agents feature their listings, we also feature our rentals.
Daily Rentals List
Available to prospective tenants from our offices and updated daily on the internet.
Window Displays
Photos and descriptions in our offices in high profile locations which attract plenty of foot traffic.
Are effective in that enquiry off signs comes from people who already like the location and look of the home.
Our Tenant Selection Process
If the response to our advertising is extra strong we run ‘open homes’ and invite all interested tenants to come within one timeframe, fill in initial forms if still interested.
We then sift them out and, in consultation with the landlord if necessary, choose the most promising. Otherwise, we meet interested tenants by appointment at your property.
We gain insights into the applicants’ suitability by interview, information provided on the application form, and years of experience providing informed ‘gut feeling’ as to the right one.
How We Ensure They Keep Their Promises
A prospective tenant always displays the best behaviour, best intentions. It is Eves Rentals' job to ensure they deliver, week after week. The most important job is choosing the right tenant, with testimonials, credentials and credit references to support their stated promise.
If we feel your property can be improved to attract better tenants we will tell you how.
What We Expect, On Your Behalf
Tenant responsibilities are spelt out very clearly in writing as a signed agreement and include:
- Pets – No pets without the written consent of the landlord
- Parties – Noisy parties and any behaviour which disturbs the neighbours will not be tolerated, complaints are taken seriously.
- Premises must be kept clean and tidy at all times, including stove, bath and shower box.
- Painting and decorating are only permitted with landlord’s written permission.
- Pictures may be hung only on approved supports, no nails, screws, blue tac etc.
- Grounds must be kept neat and tidy, gardens weeded, lawns mowed regularly and rubbish removed regularly. On vacating, grounds must be left tidy.
- Repairs and Maintenance: Repairs to be paid for by landlord must be reported to and authorised by your property manager. The tenant shall be responsible for faults/damage caused by their negligence or their accident. If tenant inexperience causes a tradesperson to be called to a nonexistent fault the tenant shall be responsible for any costs incurred. If key instructions are not adhered to and a tradesman cannot enter the property, the charge will be passed to the tenant for payment. Any damage to chattels or property caused by the tenant shall be repaired immediately at tenant’s expense.
- Rent payments must be kept in advance at all times. Arrears of rent are not tolerated.
- Occupancy ‘grace period’ - seven days during which the tenant can bring to our attention anything that was not apparent at the time of occupancy.
- Insurance for the tenants’ furniture and belongings is the responsibility of the tenant.
- Check out procedure - tenants are expected to respect our normal Monday to Friday office hours. If on moving out the property is not clean and tidy and keys ready to be handed over at the prearranged time we will have necessary work completed professionally, and deduct it from the bond with rent calculated up to the date keys are returned.
Tenants Right to Peaceful Occupation
We, on behalf of the owner, respect the right of the tenant to peaceful occupation of their rented home and respect the tenants’ right to advance notice of inspections, entry or visit for any purpose.
Want Us To Manage Your Rental Property For You?
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